Know Some Time Management Skills
Using time carefully is a good thing in all the aspects. Time
management helps persons to make use of time and ensures successful achievement
of tasks within the time frame. It is important to do the right thing at the
right time to earn respect at work. People who don’t value time are never taken
seriously. So it is better to set your city clock and manage your time
Let us go through some important skills for effective time
Stay organized
The workstation must be kept organized and
clean. Keeping important files in a place and it will save your time which goes
on unnecessary searching.
Do not keep stacks of files and heaps of paper on
your desk.
Develop the habit of using an organizer. Plan your
day well in advance.
Never write important things on loose papers. Always
keep a notepad and pen handy.
Learn to prioritize
Set your priorities and do not work for the sake
of working.
Make a task plan or a ‘To Do’ list the moment
you settle down for work.
High priority tasks must be attended to
immediately. Do not start your day with something that needs more attention.
Tick off the tasks that are completed. It will
give a sense of satisfaction and relief.
Be clear about your roles and responsibilities
Be punctual and disciplined
Being punctual helps you complete tasks before
the deadline.
Make sure you reach office 5 minutes before your
actual time.
Strive hard to complete tasks on time.
Be a little diplomatic
Do not accept everything. A polite “NO” will be
better sometimes just to save your reputation later.
Do not take long personal calls.
Be reasonable
No individual can work for the whole day. Do include
some time in your daily schedule to speak to your team member sitting next to
This blog is about how one should manage their time at work.
One can use city clock for matching the time with their
personal watch.
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